I've been asked several times how I do the coloring on my cards. I always forget to answer in my posts, but here it comes:
I mostly use Distress Ink from Ranger. Here's how: Pad the inkpad against an acrylic block, or drip some distress ink refill on it. Then use a paintbrush and water to pick up the colors, and paint, like you're using ordinary watercolors. I also use watercolors sometimes, and Twinkling H2O from LuminArte (twinkling watercolors).
For my Norwegian readers: I've scheduled several classes this fall, most of them are almost fully booked, but there are still a few spots left. You can see more about this on Steffens, Hobby Norge.

what a nice card you made
WOW du bare lager de kuleste kortene :)
Stunning, very pretty!
Så utrolig fine kort du lager - blir nesten stum av beundring!
Gleder meg til å få stempler i posten snart!!! :o)
man-where are my pencils?? you are so talented.
Så superflotte kortene dine ble!!!
Du er en racer på nye oppsett....
Nydelige farger, som er gode å se på...
wow ... wonderful, amazing, fantastic ... i´m really unspeakable about such a great card.
Your coloring is really incredible! I love these images...
wawww, du er altså bare verdeennsmester i kort lavning,så utrolig flotte de er alle sammen
She's very cute Malin :D, as is your card :D!
wow youre cards are amazing !!! love youre coloring to
to bad for me ,im in Iceland no way for me to get these cute stamps:(
Så nydelig blåbærkort! Masser av nydelige farger og detaljer!
Takk for titten!
Jeg bøyer meg i støvet!
Fatter ikke hvordan du får til å lage så lekre kort!
En helt unik stil.
Et stort; WOW!!! fra meg
Vilket FANTASTISKT underbart kort! Färgerna är så underbart lysande!
So beautiful!
FANTASTISK!! Aledeles nydelig. Du er så fantastisk til å sette sammen knæsje og flotte farger. Alltid en fryd å stikke innom bloggen din.
Klem Anita
You make such wonderful, rich cards!
What coloring method do you use?
I wish I could attend one of your classes, but I live in Florida ... can't get to Norway just now.
Stay healthy - and creative!
And thank you for the inspiration.
WOW NYDELIG kort....
your cards are stunning, I am in awe!
Love this card,
greetings Anja
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